Emotional and Sexual Balance in Long Term Relationships- Part One

What is emotional and sexual balance?

In satisfying relationships, your partner is more than just a confidant and friend, they are also your sexual companion. Unfortunately, seriously involved couples, whether married or not, too often become so preoccupied with managing day-to-day tasks involving jobs, parenting, household duties, and life responsibilities that they treat their relationship (including sexuality) with benign neglect. Even though their relationship remains stable, they lose their spark and emotional intimacy. A healthy couple relationship promotes a vital sexual relationship that a great balance of closeness and eroticism.

Take a moment to think about your sexual relationship. On a scale of 1-10, one being complete neglect and 10 being complete immersion, where are you on the scale? Are you thinking that that you’ll tend to it tomorrow…. when in reality you’re putting it off? If so, think of one thing could you do today to give your sexual relationship, and your partner, more attention. Act on it!

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