Individual Therapy

If you’re considering individual therapy, counseling services, or therapy online, you’re probably experiencing some sort of discomfort or dilemma that you can’t quite effectively tackle on your own. Deciding to come to therapy is the first step in feeling better.

When problems become overwhelming or continually impact your daily life, there’s no need to feel defeated or alone. It’s okay to ask for help. Individual therapy is a safe place that’s free of judgment, where you can explore the issues or concerns that you’d like to change or clear out, including your thoughts and feelings, relationships, problematic behaviors, fears, and regrets. In therapy, you can work through challenges that are either due to recent events or are more long-standing. You can learn how to overcome self-defeating thoughts and change unhelpful behaviors that get in your way. In individual therapy, you can acquire tools to help you cope with your feelings and self-soothe when they seem overwhelming. You can also learn how to use your feelings as a messenger of what your deeper needs are.

Encouraging therapist talks with young woman

Dr. Zeising will work collaboratively with you, at the pace that is comfortable for you, helping you to create a life of balance, purpose and joy. Her style is empathic, supportive, interactive, relational, and direct. Through fostering psychological insight, she will help you to gain more self-awareness, so that you can make more conscious decisions that allign with your values. She will offer tools and teach you new behaviors that you can use to create lasting changes. She will respectfully and confidentially assist you through your personal growth process with any of her services.

Her comforting and integrative approach utilizes a variety of theories such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, solution-focused therapy, mindfulness, and body based psychotherapy, depending on your individual needs. When appropriate, she recommends additional books or articles. Also, homework may be assigned to help facilitate treatment, such as practicing tools learned in session or tracking behaviors and symptoms. She fits the therapeutic process to match your personal needs and the issues you bring to session.

Unlock the secrets to living your best life

Dr. Kristin Zeising, psychologist and sex therapist for individuals and couples
Psychotherapist working with African-American teenage boy in office
Psychologist comforting depressed female patient during therapy session in office
friendly woman patient talking to psychological

The Issues

Individual Therapy can address such issues as:

The Benefits

Some of the potential benefits you can gain from Individual Therapy include:

Empower yourself for successful relationships